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When dealing with numerous credit card solutions, financial institutions, and other payment providers, obtaining net amounts at the end of the day is paramount.
With Paytiko, merchants can compile and calculate final due amounts from all connected providers. Filtrations on payment solutions, time, date, and more allow for one to manage their books easily and accurately..
As a key feature, Paytiko’s reconciliation tool allows merchants to create presets of the external data they want to reconcile within Paytiko’s environment.
By importing external reports from payment providers, we can then directly match their data against our data. This feature is extremely useful for enterprises that employ multiple currencies, conversions, foreign exchange, and payment providers.
- - Compile and Calculate Final Due Amounts
- - Filtrations Based on Payment Solutions, Time, Date, and More
- - Create Presets pf External Data
- - Reconcile External Data Against Paytiko’s Environment